Steps / fragments / incremental elements in presentation slides

Hello everyone,

I have been using Obsidian with much gusto over the last few days, it’s truly a fascinating, fluid and delightful tool (or should I say set of tools).

Theoretical exposition

I teach and my issue is the following :

  • Quite a few external tools, such as Pandoc, Fusuma, or Deckset allow you to build (the terminology varies) lists that will show up element after element when presenting your note. Given that the native “Slides” plugin does not, I have for the moment switched to Deckset (because of its simplicity).
  • But I’m willing to explore other solutions in order to achieve the following : something akin to cloze deletion in Anki. Different parts of my slide, even if not a list, would show up successively.


  • Imagine for instance showing a full sentence with blank, asking your student to fill it, and then showing him the solution not by showing the whole sentence again, but by making the missing part appear inside it.
  • Or a declension chart which you could fill progressively, while having set in the first step of the slide all the rows and columns.

Any idea how I could make that happen while retaining my ability to edit notes in Obsidian ? I am open to paid solutions as well.

Would it be possible to script my way to the solution ? Make a list where each element consists in a line of code that will fill in the blank in the originally displayed structure ? I have some very limited competence in Javascript, if that matters.

Thank you so much !


Just to make sure I am making my self understood : when referring to “steps”, I mean this or what’s described as " incremental lists" in the Pandoc documentation. As mentioned, I’d like to use that functionality outside of lists.

I am not sure if it can do the inline popup of the correct answer but I recently quickly made some presentations with a theme (sky theme), transitions with reveal.js in rStudio. Made it with rMarkdown and knit it to reveal.js generates a html file with everything embedded (including images). Worked very well.

There is an online editor you can use but the code is in fact fairly easy. Specially when you use the markdown option in rStudio.


Regards, Jeroen

Thank you so much for your answer, the syntax of reveal.js fragments is much more advanced than anything else I had seen! It worked wonders and I was able to give my latin class the way I intended : it proved a blast for both the student and myself!

However this open door has led me to new problems. Would anyone be so kind as to enlighten me? Although I must admit it’s now slightly more about reveal.js than Obsidian… (the first and third points do not need to be addressed, the only real questions are n°2 and n°4)

  1. How do I install a plugin such as Reveal menu, which needs to be added to the dependencies of the presentation with a script block ? Adding such script block in the file itself results in it being misplaced.
    → SOLVED : I needed to edit the HTML file generated by Pandoc, of course, what a fool !
  2. Nested quotes work for my purpose :
    <p class="fragment">He culls lilies from the<span class="fragment grow">sky</span>.</p>
    allows me to have my student guess the word “sky” before presenting him with the solution. However, if I try to add the class highlight-blue to the span element, it “breaks” : the entire sentence appears, and on the next step tree is highlighted in blue. Am I missing something? I had been thinking of tinkering with a listener in the API, but is it necessary to go at such length ?
  3. I find it beneficial to make sentences disappear as we read them, so that the student, being unable to rely on displayed previous content, is forced to work from memory. Adding the class “fade-in-then-out” to the p element makes it happen !
  4. Any idea how I could make underscores vel sim. appear beneath the hidden characters or words (in this case “tree”), to make it known to the student that something is missing there ?

Sorry for annoying you with these petty concerns / remarks, you have already helped me tremendously.

Re. 2 : I have used font color with …

<font color="#00747C">TEXT</font>

… so that might work.

Re. 4 : I do not know.

Glad it worked out for you.

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