Stacked Tab styling and request (Focus on seeing all open tabs)

Here i have my current styling for stacked tabs. I like the infinite scrolling and have limited real estate, but its important for me to see all open tabs in a pane.

.workspace .mod-root .workspace-tabs {
  min-width: 33%; /* Use full width for tabs */

/* Align stacked tabs horizontally and style them like header tabs */
.workspace .mod-root .workspace-tabs.mod-stacked {
  min-width: 33%; /* Use full width for tabs */
  position: sticky;

.workspace .mod-root .workspace-tab-container.mod-stacked {
  min-width: 50%; /* Use full width for tabs */


.workspace .mod-root .workspace-tabs.mod-stacked .workspace-tab-container .workspace-tab-header {
  width: 25px;

.workspace .mod-root .workspace-tabs.mod-stacked .workspace-tab-container .workspace-tab-header-inner-title {
  font-weight: 600;
  font-size: medium;
} {
  margin-left: -20px;


Here’s my request:
Is there a way to just have the regular tab bar on top in stacked mode? I’m no coder and this CSS is the extent of my capability.

Just to clarify: you want to use stacked tabs in addition to the same tabs open across the top in one tab group (as if you were not in stacked tabs mode)?

i just want the regular tabs visible on top. Basically standard mode with horizontal scrolling between tabs i guess

Maybe something like the GitHub - pjeby/pane-relief: Obsidian plugin for per-pane history, pane movement/navigation hotkeys, and more plugin to toggle a sliding panes mode?


I’m already using pane relief. I thing i’m not explaining it right. I like being able to see all tabs in a pane without opening the sidebar (like the vertical tabs plugin). I like the way it is in the standard view, having the tabs on top, the open one being highlighted.

But I like the sliding panes convenience. I normally use a css to emulate the old andy’s mode, where the panes don’t stack but disappear to the side. But then you can’t see the open tabs without opening the drop-down menu in the tab bar.

My current setup is a workaround to see all open tabs but i would much prefer having the sliding tabs dissapear to the side again while being able to keep track of the tabs through the standard tab view on top.