I have been using markdown editors for many years, but at this time as a new Obsidian user, I find myself struggling to determine the right way to split a Numbered List into two Numbered Lists with some normal text between the lists.
The Obsidian editor maintains the original numbered list regardless of my attempts to force some text between any two items in the list. This new text just becomes another numbered entry. Is the a method to remove the formatting from a row as in the editor in Ulysses?
Just delete the number and any spaces from the beginning of the normal text (make sure there’s a blank line before and after), then try converting the second part of the ordered list to an unordered (bullet) list and then to a numbered list to start from 1 again.
(I’m on my phone and can’t easily test it at the moment.)
Hi, thanks for responding. I cannot isolate the number with my cursor. The cursor cannot travel further left on the row that i am trying to delete/change. Any attempt to move the cursor left results in it jumping to the end of the previous line (both using the delete button or the left arrow.) I can change a line in a numbered list to a heading using the format/Heading 1, and then change delete this Heading by backspacing to the left, then entering test. This seems like an awkward way to do this and I have trouble quickly remembering this workaround.
My whole last reply to you was BS. If I delete the text on a numbered line, I can keep deleting to the left and change the line to what ever I want. I think that your instructions were pretty close and they were of great help getting around this. Thank you for the intervention.