There are a few things that should be simple, and y’all will definitely find them simple, but I’m just… lost
I am trying to understand what in the hell “Spaces” are for. I thought it was simple enough:
You can take a note that is being created in one location and pin it in other locations because it’s NOT just a note about self-care, it’s also a poem, and it’s philosophical, and it was written in that creative writing class you take on Tuesdays – all of which are their own subfolders within subfolders within folders, etc., etc.
BUT, when I went to add a note to ONE other space, it pinned in every folder EXCEPT for that space. Well, I obviously did something wrong (which, can I just say that unpinning each individual space without having the luxury of just clicking the delete button is annoying?.. I digress, back to our topic here)., so I unpin all the spaces, pin it again in the ONE space I want it to be pinned in, and it also pins to the vault? AND it also adds ALL, EVERY tag that the folder (“space”) i pinned it to has…
Am I an idiot? What is going on? WTF?
Regarding properties. I created two of my own properties: “Emotions” and “Free Labels”
Now, I have Tags, Date Created, Emotions, Free Labels as my properties on every page. I was assuming that properties is metadata, which is how I would connect concepts, ideas, notes, yada yada.
My Emotions and Free Label properties are text boxes that offer a lot more liberty when it comes to spaces than tags, obviously, but will DataView pick them up? Can I easily search them? If not, then wtf are the extra properties for? I don’t get it, and I’m a bit confused.
To the Community
Anyways, much appreciation in advance, I’m LOVING the community, the program, the videos, the plugins, the excitement that note-taking brings me once again!!! I have 46 physical journals from 2016-2022, and I have 2 from 2023-now… I had a second kid, so that kind of threw a wrench into things, BUT 46!! FUCKING!! JOURNALS!!! I absolutely love writing, and Obsidian has reminded me of that love, and THIS COMMUNITY is what makes Obsidian what it is.
Much love y’all!