Space multiple words

When using Chinese input method to input aliases or tags, I must frequently switch to English input method to space multiple words. This is a headache. Can this problem be improved?

Can you post a screen recording? I don’t get it.

you don’t have to space. I am not sure I am missing something here.
youc can use
alias: [a,b,c]
alias: ["a","b","c"]

sorry,i actually mean:

alias: [a,b,c]
alias: [a,b,c]

they are different,but i want they can have the same effect.

Try this YAML list format:

- a
- b
- c

Let me know if that helps.

Thanks for your reply.But it’s still a little cumbersome.
还是略微麻烦,希望未来能够支持自动纠正YAML 内的标点。