Sort order in Search panel settings is not always preserved between use or between launches

The fact that I CAN’T reproduce the undesired behavior in Restricted mode, while you can, is noteworthy. Frequently, an error that resolves itself with no plugins active is a plugin issue.

Will be fixed 1.8


I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but for me this bug is still occurring on 1.8 ! (the sort order keeps reverting to “File Name A-Z”)Any ideas @WhiteNoise ? Are you sure the fix definitely made it in there?

Let me double check

it’s working for me.

That’s so strange. I am baffled as to what could be causing this. It doesn’t happen all the time for me either, but often enough (multiple times per day) to be bothersome. What else could be touching these settings?

Could it be my keybinding somehow?? I think I’ve customized it:

I suggest you open a new bug report and try the sandbox vault or you vault without plugins.

I don’t have enough info to file a proper bug report, and I’m not sure how I could possibly reproduce this in the sandbox because (as best I can determine) it occurs at random times–at intervals between hours or days.

Instead, I’ve created a LaunchAgent that runs every 60 seconds, and will fire alerts if the sort order value of the search leaf in the workspace.json changes to alphabetical.

Hopefully this will alert me at a time close enough to correlate with something that I’m doing in Obsidian.

Ok, thank you

5 posts were split to a new topic: Global Search settings are reset when using command / hotkey after restart