Sort list of templates


Earlier today, when I inserted a template, the templates were listed in the same alphabetical order that appeared in the File Explorer. However, this evening, it changed to a different order.

This is the insert template list w/ “Note template” the fifth item:

This is the file explorer w/ “Note template” the first item:

Any ideas why it would change? Any way to get it back to how it was that don’t include changing the template name for “Note template”?

My desired behavior: “Note template” appears as first option in Insert Template window.


I watch the exact same behavior. I have already three times copied all my template files to recover my whished and beloved alphabetical sort order. After some hour of usage without a recognizable cause I have a chaotic and random looking sort order again. Solutions to that were really appreciated.


This is very annoying. There doesn’t seem to be any logic around the template order that I can discern. Templates are supposed to reduce friction and not being able to order them based on usage goes against that principle.


Came here to make this exact feature request. I have named my templates so like templates are all similarly named, and having them be randomized in the template selector is confusing


I have came across the same annoying problem. Is it possible to add the “Pin” function, so you could place your freqently used template at first ?

still want this feature!


Sorry for the necro but I didn’t want to make a new thread if one was already here.

I’m having the same issue–every time I open Obsidian, the template order randomizes, which makes it difficult to quickly find the template I need. Is there still no way to fix this?

Hahahahahaha… I was thinking about this just yesterday when I went to insert a template and couldn’t remember how I named it.


I have the same problem. Here I am organizing my templates by inserting a numeric prefix so I know the order I need to insert, but it suddenly randomized everytime I insert a new template.

How come this is happening? And how do I solve it?

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I have found a solution! All I did was create another folder and transfer all the notes from the previous folder to the new one. Then, I declared the new the templates folder in the core plugins.

To clarify the new folder is called “☆Note Templates” and the old folder is called “☆Templates”, but I later reverted it again to to “☆Templates” and still works fine.

Took me an hour of tinkering, but it’s worth having an organized vault.

Yeah Baby!

This problem still lives. Very annoying.

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Lol I found that it still lingers yesterday when I was running at the park with my brother. I hope they fix this soon.

For me this solution only works for a while. After a while they are shuffled again. Somebody else said that above, too, I think.

Bump for the feature or fix. Just need something consistent so that I can workaround the ordering issue.

Just tried the workaround, it’s not too cumbersome. Can live with it for now; still nice to have this feature added.


  1. Create a temporary folder
  2. Move the template files to the temporary folder
  3. Move the template files back to the original template folder.

That’s it. No need to update core plugin for template folder location.

I thought it was a user error on my part, as I’ve been using Obsidian for less than a week.

Is there any way to bump this feature up a bit? I find the template list really annoying. The workaround where one needs to copy all template files to a temp folder and back to the original one works for a few hours perhaps, not really manageable. It is so sad that this hasn’t been adressed after those years yet. Would really help to streamline the everyday prodcess, I use templates dozens of times per day.


This is still really difficult.
Possibly simple to implement idea:
What if toggling the sort order of my Files in my Explorer also affected the sort order of Templates?

Are they being sorted by anything right now?


I would even consider this to be a BUG and not an enhancement request…



I discovered that the Templates are sorted (ordered by) Modified Date and not by Filename! Which is why they get shuffled around if you edit them. It’s very annoying to say the least! There should be an option for the user to select how they want them sorted: Modified Date, Created Date, Filename with sort direction option. I mean it is a Core Plugin after all.

This issue has been talked about since 2021 and here we are still talking about it!