Use case or problem
I have seen several enhancement requests for specific sort needs, but all I really want is the ability to sort folders by name, just as we do with files. I moved 12 years of personal notes from OmniOutliner into Obsidian. The upper portions of the tree were converted to folders, and all folders and notes have zettelkasten-style names. Sorting in reverse-chronological order simply requires sorting on name descending, and I’ve got the most recent items on top, in each subfolder. But the folders themselves are sorted ascending, placing new folders all the way at the bottom, which is very frustrating because every time I want to navigate to a new(er) folder I have to go to the bottom of the list.
Proposed solution
Allow sorting of folder names
Current workaround (optional)
I have no workaround. I have to scroll to the bottom of the tree to find the most recent entries. If the existing sort option also applied to folders, that will work for me, but there might be folks out there who want a different sort on the folders, so it may require a separate sort option for folders. Apparently there’s a community plugin for this problem, but I don’t use community plugins, for safety and to ease software maintenance / dependency issues. (I need Obsidian to work for me, not the other way around). Thank you for Obsidian. It’s so close to what I was going to write for myself, it brings a tear to my eye that there are like-minded people out there in the ether.