Sort by date after migration to Icloud

Here we are, I’m back with the solution, found out by myself not knowing a single thing of Phyton coding. Turns out Chatgpt will make someone unemployed in the end.
How i made it:

  • Had a folder of .txt notes with thier own Windows filesystem timestamp metadata.
  • installed Python from official site.
  • runned (for this Python IDLE was good enough) after putting the folder path in “cartella1” variable.
    it adds obsidian files properties
    . “Data modifica” =file system metadata date modified
    . “Data creazione” =file system metadata creation date
    formatted like YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (moment format)
Data modifica: 2023-08-14 14:26:26
Data creazione: 2021-01-07 00:12:09
<rest of text file>

and changes files extensions to .md to all .txt files in “cartella1” folder and its subfolders.

  • Moved the folder to ICloud
    icloud updates all windows metadata to today date.
  • runned program after putting this new folder path in “cartella1” variable.
    this updates back all windows creation date and modified date metadata to the ones in obsidian files properties.
  • using Obsidian plugins to keep dates properties autoupdated in the same format.
  • start using Obsidian like a charm.

after moving the folder to icloud i had tags from Simplenote in notes formatted like this:

<note text>


runned before to move files with some predetermined tags inside subfolders. Look at and change:

cartellaP   = cartella1 + r'\Personale'
cartellaL   = cartella1 + r'\Lavoro'
if s.find(b'  Pers') != -1:
 if s.find(b'  Lavoro') != -1:

Hope to have been of some help folks! :

# This program, adds obsidian files properties
# -"Data modifica" =file system metadata date modified
# -"Data creazione" =file system metadata creation date
# formatted like YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (moment format)
# to the .txt files in the folder with path "cartella1" and all it's subfolder
# except for '\.obsidian'
# and renames them to .md format
# examples of file between ```:
#<note text>
#Data modifica: 2023-08-14 14:26:26
#Data creazione: 2021-01-07 00:12:09
#<note text>
# feel free to:
#   -   change cartella1 values with the path of the main vault folder or a subfolder.
#   -   change the timestamp format from  "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" to another.
#   -   name of date properties.

import os
import time
import glob
from pathlib import Path
print('Hello, world!')
x = 0
# Cartella contenente i file
#cartella = r'C:\Users\abertini\Documents\test\inizio\**\*.*'
cartella1   = r'C:\Users\abertini\Documents\test\inizio'
cartellaOBS = cartella1 + r'\.obsidian'
cartella    = cartella1+r'\**\*.txt'

for _ in range(2):
##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x includere file che iniziano con "." poi con :
##cartella = r'C:\Users\abertini\Documents\obsidian\Note\**\.*'
    # Lista dei file nella cartella
    ##files = os.listdir(cartella)x = 0
    ##for file in files:
    for percorso_file0 in glob.glob(cartella, recursive=True):
        ##percorso_file0 = os.path.join(cartella, file)
        file_path = Path(percorso_file0)
        if os.path.isfile(percorso_file0) and percorso_file0.endswith('.txt') and not(percorso_file0.startswith(cartellaOBS)):
            print('Hello, world!')
            # Make a new path with the file's extension changed
            percorso_file = file_path.with_suffix(".md")
            # Rename the file's extension to that new path. Catch errors when the file
            # is already there or is missing. Report the result if successful.
                renamed_path = file_path.rename(percorso_file)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                print(f"Error: could not find the '{file_path}' file.")
            except FileExistsError:
               print(f"Error: the '{percorso_file}' target file already exists.")
                #print(f"Changed extension of '{}' to '{}'.")
            data_creazione = os.path.getctime(percorso_file)
            data_modifica = os.path.getmtime(percorso_file)

            data_creazione_formattata = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(data_creazione))
            data_modifica_formattata = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(data_modifica))
            with open(percorso_file, 'r+', encoding="utf8") as f:
                contenuto =
      , 0)
                #scrive il template per obsidian
                #f.write(f'[[Heading Template]]\n')
                #scrive date 
                f.write(f'Data modifica: {data_modifica_formattata}\n')
                ###f.write(f'Data creazione: {data_creazione_formattata}\n')
                f.write(f'Data creazione: {data_modifica_formattata}\n')
                x += 1
    cartella    = cartella1+r'\**\.*'


# This program moves files based on tag strings listed down.
import os
# import datetime
import calendar
import glob
import mmap
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from ctypes import windll, wintypes, byref
# Cartella contenente i file
# cartella = r'C:\Users\abertini\iCloudDrive\testnote'
#cartella1   = r'C:\Users\abertini\Documents\test'
cartella1   = r'C:\Users\abertini\iCloudDrive\iCloud~md~obsidian\Note'
#cartella1   = r'C:\Users\abertini\Documents\test\fine'
cartellaOBS = cartella1 + r'\.obsidian'
cartellaP   = cartella1 + r'\Personale'
cartellaL   = cartella1 + r'\Lavoro'
cartellaD   = cartella1 + r'\Dati'
cartellaS   = cartella1 + r'\Studio'
cartellaC   = cartella1 + r'\Chan'
cartella    = cartella1+r'\**\*.md'
##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x includere file che iniziano con "." poi con :
##cartella    = cartella1+r'\**\.*'
x = 0
for _ in range(2):
    # Lista dei file nella cartella
    ##files = os.listdir(cartella)

    print('Hello, world! inizio ciclo')

    #Primo ciclo che sposta i file:
    for percorso_file in glob.glob(cartella, recursive=True):
        ##percorso_file = os.path.join(cartella, file)
        ##file_path = Path(percorso_file)
        if os.path.isfile(percorso_file) and percorso_file.endswith('.md') and not(percorso_file.startswith(r'C:\Users\abertini\Documents\test\.obsidian')):
            with open(percorso_file, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
                file_name = os.path.basename(percorso_file)
                #creates a bytearray object that checks the underlying file instead of reading the whole file in memory.
                s = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)

                if s.find(b'  Pers') != -1:
                    ##print('tag Pers exist in a file')
                    carte_finale=os.path.join(cartellaP, file_name)
                    shutil.move(percorso_file, carte_finale)
                    if s.find(b'  Lavoro') != -1:
                        ##print('tag Lavoro exist in a file')
                        carte_finale=os.path.join(cartellaL, file_name)
                        shutil.move(percorso_file, carte_finale)
                        if s.find(b'  Dati') != -1:
                            ##print('tag Dati exist in a file')
                            carte_finale=os.path.join(cartellaD, file_name)
                            shutil.move(percorso_file, carte_finale)
                            if s.find(b'  Studio') != -1:
                                ##print('tag Studio exist in a file')
                                arte_finale=os.path.join(cartellaS, file_name)
                                shutil.move(percorso_file, carte_finale)
                                if s.find(b'  chan') != -1:
                                    ##print('tag chan exist in a file')
                                    carte_finale=os.path.join(cartellaC, file_name)
                                    shutil.move(percorso_file, carte_finale)

# This program updates modifed and creation date in windows system of .md files in folder "cartella1".
# and its subfolders based on Obsidian properties "Data modifica" (modify) and "Data creazione" (creation)
# formatted like YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (moment format).
# Those two properties must be the first two of the file or they wont' be read. Thier order is ininfluent.
# No problem if one or both are missing.
# It excluedes to elaborate subfolder \.obsidian.
# Examples of file between ```:
#Data creazione: 2019-12-14 14:26:26
#Data modifica: 2021-10-07 00:12:09
#<note text>
#Data modifica: 2021-10-07 00:12:09
#Data creazione: 2019-12-14 14:26:26
#<note text>
#<note text>
#Data modifica: 2021-10-07 00:12:09
#<note text>
# feel free to:
#   -   change cartella1 values with the path of the main vault folder or a subfolder.
#   -   change the timestamp format from  "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" to another.
#   -   name of date properties.
import os
# import datetime
import calendar
import glob
#import mmap
#import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from ctypes import windll, wintypes, byref
# Cartella contenente i file
#cartella1   = r'E:\User\Documents\obsidiantest\old'
cartella1   = r'C:\Users\andre\iCloudDrive\iCloud~md~obsidian\Note'
cartellaOBS = cartella1 + r'\.obsidian'
cartella    = cartella1+r'\**\*.md'
x = 0
#cycles counter
print(f"Start cycle 1")
# !!!! two cycles to includere files that start with "." , at the second cycle
for _ in range(2):
    # Lista dei file nella cartella
    ##files = os.listdir(cartella)

#ciclo che aggiorna le date:

    ##for file in files:
    for percorso_file in glob.glob(cartella, recursive=True):
        if os.path.isfile(percorso_file) and percorso_file.endswith('.md') and not(percorso_file.startswith(cartellaOBS)):
            with open(percorso_file, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
                file_name = os.path.basename(percorso_file)
                lines = f.readlines()
                    data_modifica = lines[1].strip().split('Data modifica: ')[1]
                except IndexError as e:
                        data_modifica = lines[2].strip().split('Data modifica: ')[1]
                    except IndexError as e:
                        print(f"can't find modified date of "+file_name)
                    data_creazione = lines[2].strip().split('Data creazione: ')[1]
                except IndexError as e:
                        data_creazione = lines[1].strip().split('Data creazione: ')[1]
                    except IndexError as e:
                        print(f"can't find modified creation date of "+file_name)

                if errmodi==0:
                    data_m= datetime.strptime(data_modifica, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                    # Ottieni la rappresentazione in secondi dalla "epoch"
                    timestampM = data_m.timestamp()
                    # scrive data modifica
                    os.utime(percorso_file, (timestampM - 1.0 , timestampM))
                if errcrea==0:
                    data_c= datetime.strptime(data_creazione, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                    # Ottieni la rappresentazione in secondi dalla "epoch"
                    timestampC = data_c.timestamp()
                    #EPOCH timestamp:
                    time_C_E = calendar.timegm(data_c.timetuple())
                    # Convert Unix timestamp to Windows FileTime using some magic numbers
                    # See documentation:
                    timestamp = int((time_C_E * 10000000) + 116444736000000000)
                    ctime = wintypes.FILETIME(timestamp & 0xFFFFFFFF, timestamp >> 32)

                    # Call Win32 API to modify the file creation date
                    handle = windll.kernel32.CreateFileW(percorso_file, 256, 0, None, 3, 128, None)
                    windll.kernel32.SetFileTime(handle, byref(ctime), None, None)
            x += 1
    if ccount==0:
        print(f"Start cycle 2")
    cartella    = cartella1+r'\**\.*'
print (f"Files elaborated: "+ str(x))