Hello! hoping I’m posting this the right way I’m relatively new to Obsidian and was trying to repurpose a interaction tracker i found on reddit but I’m wanting to use the tag #Social :: instead of S::
The code block below is working to pull any S:: entry plus [[Persons Name]] from my daily notes and displays them as their own entry
TABLE S AS "Interaction"
FROM "70 - Daily Timestamps"
WHERE contains(S, this.file.name)
SORT file.day DESC
What I’ve Tried
This Works to pull the entries but will still display entries that do not match the name of the file and will put the entries from the same date together, id prefer one entry per line but id rather have #Social:: working
TABLE Social
FROM "70 - Daily Timestamps"
WHERE contains(social, this.file.name)
SORT file.day DESC
Wrap up
Maybe there’s something I’m missing in the dataview docs, but ive also tried to use Dataview Query Builder to figure it out with no luck. would love if someone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome thank you!