Hey. I’ve made a snippet that changes the background of files and folders in explorer pane. I thought this might be nice for others also.
I was using the file-color plugin, which allows you to change the color of the name, but not really the background. Hopefully they’ll add it as option in the future. You’ll need the plugin activated and define some colors, obviously.
It would be most awesome if one could change the transparency of these. And also make the indented/child folders more clear. But my CSS knowledge wasn’t good enough to manage.
Oh, that’s another plugin I use (Icons-Folder). Maybe I should’ve deactivated it for clarity. Anyways, I find it helps also for quick visual finding of folders/files.
--file-color-color comes from the file-color plugin. I’m just switching it to the background. --file-color works to reset the text color. But it might work by accident?! Maybe color: var(--text-normal); would be better there.