Hi there - i would like to request a simple feature
I think the Mononote plugin that prevents multiple opening of a single file should be default behaviour. My argument that is should be the default behaviour is that it is the expected behaviour for a modern text editor. Take vscode, word, onenote, notepad++. Anything i tried behaved like this. There really is no good reason to have two of the same file open and it leads to unnecaserry clutter. Of course for the edge case user, being able to turn off this default would be nice but i think that would be less then 1 out of 10 users. As evidenced by every list of must-have plugins including Mononote.
Another argument for this to be built in is that Mononote doesnt work nicely with some other plugins (like task-list-kanban for example). If this was the default behaviour, the code could be simple and the default behaviour of obsidian could be better.
I hope this can be considered!