Since 1.8.4: automatic cursor placement broken

bug since 1.8.4:
After creating a new note and opening it with CTRL+ENTER, the cursor is no longer automatically placed in the new note as before.
Unfortunately, it breaks my entire keyboard workflow because I now have to use the mouse to place the cursor in the note first.
or is there a new setting that I have to activate?
I would be very grateful for help!

We are aware that are some bugs with cursor activation when opening a new tab (you can search the bug reports section).

Unfortunately, I am not sure if that is your problem because you didn’t follow the bug report template. Moved to help section.

I apologize for the unnecessary double posting! I used the forum search and couldn’t find a suitable posting. now, in the bug report, I found this: Cursor not active when opening link under cursor in new tab/window/right - #2 by JShoes1415
and the announcement that it will be fixed with 1.8.6.
Thank you very much for the quick reply @WhiteNoise and sorry again!

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One workaround is to cmd E twice to switch modes and the cursor will reappear.


@Phantasmagoria Thank you very much! I didn’t know about this shortcut. Works, thank you! But I think I’ll wait for the bug fix in 1.8.6. If I get used to this detour now, I’ll have to break the habit again when it finally works in the “normal” and fast way again. But: Thank you for sharing! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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