Shortcut for full screen and tile window not working

As the title says I can’t enter or exit full screen mode on obsidian with the shortcuts I have set up for them. Which are command+esc to enter and exit fullscreen.
I also can’t tile the window to the left or to the right. For windows users this just means putting it in split view on the left or right.

Things I have tried

  • Tried to remove the shortcut I have set up to use the esc key to exit fullscreen, but that also did not work
  • Tried looking through all my shortcuts to see if it conflicted with any others and it did not
  • When I hover of the green bubble in the top left I see the option to enter and exit full screen, and I see my shortcut listed there

What I’m trying to do

  • Make the shortcut I have setup on my Macbook to enter and exit full screen mode work in obsidian as well.

Any help would be much appreciated,

Where have you set up these keyboard shortcuts? In macOS’s system preferences or somewhere else?

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