Sharing your links using Telegram

Hi everyone.

I’m a recent convert to Obsidian after finding it a few months ago. I’ve slowly been trying to transition myself from an obsessive outliner when note-taking, to someone who summarises and makes my own notes. I’m slowly getting there!

Given that Obsidian doesn’t currently have a mobile application, I often find myself finding links on the web on my phone that I want to investigate further and take notes on later. My vault is stored in Google Drive and there’s not currently a good way to edit markdown files on iOS with it. I often end up adding them to Pocket, or keeping lots of tabs open on my phone browser in order to look at them later.

So I had an idea…

As I’m a developer, and someone who loves automation, I’ve been working on a Telegram bot which you can share links with. I was planning on writing a per-day timestamped markdown file which stores the link and you can then explore them all when you’re next at your computer with Obsidian. Another option is to use the Open Graph data and to pull in an image, the title, the description and so on into a separate markdown file for each link.

Is this something that would be useful to people? Any other ideas?
I’ve almost got a proof of concept finished so shout if it’s the sort of thing you’d be interested in.

Thanks for a great community and a great tool.



This sounds really intriguing. I’m not sure if you were still working on something like this, but I would love to use the convenience of the telegram app on mobile and pair it with some process for Obsidian.

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Sorry - only just seen this message @LordOfBytes.
I’ve paused it for a bit because I didn’t have the capacity to work on it over Christmas due to getting busy at work. Going to carry on shortly.

Where are you storing your markdown files?
At the moment I’ve set it up using Google Drive as I store mine there so it has Google authentication. I could easily update it for others though.

Yes, I am utilizing Google Drive for all my files.

I implemented a very basic telegram bot recently, the idea started over here

This is in a stage of “works for me”, but I could probably put a sanitized/generalized script up on github

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Any progress?