Shard: An OS-wide Obsidian Search solution πŸ”Ž

I have been looking for the option to open a note in Obsidian from anywhere in my system for a bit and finally put together a (messy solution). Let me present:

Shard Search :mag_right:

β†’ Find it on github.

The URI scheme opens the possibility to open a note from anywhere in the system now!

I put together an applescript that lists all notes in the vault. Once you pick one, it opens it in Obsidian.

:warning: Limitations: This version (I think) only works in the main folder of the Vault. It doesn’t work in sub-folders (yet).

The Script

You can find the AppleScript on Github.

In the first couple of lines there is minor personalisation required:

  • Edit this path to point to your Obsidian Vault: set chosenFolder to "Macintosh HD:Users:Path:to:Vault" as alias
  • Replace β€œVault” with the name of your Vault right here: set vaultName to "Vault"

How to use it

Quick + dirty: using Alfred

Using Alfred, you can simply search for the file name of the script, press enter and start it from anywhere.

Smooth with Hotkeys: Hammerspoon

Hammerspoon is a powerful MacOS automation bridge, written lua. Using it you can trigger the search from anywhere in the OS straight with a hotkey. And don’t worry, no lua required.

  1. Download Hammerspoon via it’s website.
  2. Open the Hammerspoon application. It will prompt you to create a init.lua file.
  3. Replace the init.lua with the file from above. It is supposed to live in ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua

Personalise the script

  • Open the with a text editor (like Atom)
  • Modify the hotkey if you’d like to: hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt"}, "O" (default is cmd + alt + o)
  • Edit this path to point to your Obsidian Vault: set chosenFolder to "Macintosh HD:Users:Path:to:Vault" as alias
  • Replace β€œVault” with the name of your Vault right here: set vaultName to "Vault"