I didn’t create that image, Obsidian (Publish?) did for me based on the contents of the note.
As soon as I add a permalink to the frontmatter of the note, the permalink correctly updates, however, the meta image no longer generates correctly. Instead, the generated meta image says “[permalink].md not found”—which makes sense, because [permalink].md isn’t a file that exists.
This is a similar issue as Obsidian Publish: use permalinks in sitemap if that helps. Both the meta image generator and the sitemap use [permalink].md to fetch the contents of the file, but [permalink].md doesn’t exist. Instead, they need to look at the note’s actual file which has a different name.
I have the same issue, permalink breaks the meta image and description, are this bug being worked on? This significantly reduce the usability of Obsidian Publish as a blogging solution.