Set new note template based on folder

Can we set up a folder so that any new note defaults to use a certain template?

What I’m trying to do

I’m trying to have the template for a new note be determined by which folder the new note is created in. So far I manually select a template for each new note.

Things I have tried

Searched around, haven’t seen this specifically adressed.

The QuickAdd plugin can be used to assign both folder and template for particular notes. Could be worth looking into.

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You could also use the folder templates of Templater to achieve this goal.

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I have Templater already, and have now set it up via ‘folder templates’ as you suggest.

It seems to be working by right-clicking the relevant folder → New Note

Thanks for the input! Will use Templater for now, but have downloaded QuickAdd too.

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That or if you use and click on a “path/to/folder-with-template/My Note” type of wikilink :blush:

So, let’s say you have set Template A as a “Folder Template” for Folder A somewhere in your vault …

Now let’s say that in a note (Note 1) you have a wikilink referencing a note you’d like to create in Folder A but still doesn’t exist at this point (Note 2)…

In Note 1 you can use a “path/to/note” kind of wikilink instead of the “classical one” ([[Note 2]]) to link to the not yet created Note 2 (which should be created in Folder A) :blush:.

[[Folder A/Note 2|Note 2]]

… When you click on that link, Note 2 will automatically be created in Folder A while being titled as Note 2 and have the Template A applied to it, as it’s been set as the “Folder Template” for Folder A.

Hi there,
There is a lightweight plugin called “Auto Template Trigger”, which has this feature now. It basically extends the built in Templates. By default it prompts for a template every time you create a note, but you can also assign templates to folders in which the selected template is automatically applied. Here is a video showcasing it

If you don’t need the much more advanced features of Templater, it might be a simpler solution for you. Quickadd is extremely versitale and a great option too.

Btw, I’m the author of the plugin, so take it with a grain of salt, but I think it solves the problem well

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