Separate Mermaid Updates from Obsidian

Use case or problem

To enhance my documentations I would like to switch from regular tools to Obsidian. I always use markdown and mermaid in git but I want to use it now for more. So, to look how good some new diagrams will work for me I often test the latest mermaid versions. The problem here is that the update of mermaid depends on the update of Obsidian.

Proposed solution

So my idea would be to seperate it. Obsidian can still update in there defined cycle and mermaid can be updated by the user itself. Obsidian only needs to show on update if the user has changed the version and when not than obsidian updates mermaid to its recommended version. When the user updated mermaid than obsidian should not update the selected mermaid version.

For the user should be a section or field in the settings where he/she can enter either a URL for download a special version of mermaid or I have the possibility to choose from different versions. After the selection Obsidian should download the selected version. The official supported version from Obsidian should preselected.

I think this should automatically resolve all feature request with the request to update Mermaid to version x.y.z.

Related feature requests (optional)


Updating mermaid is often not just a matter of bundling a newer version of mermaid code.

An option would be to remove mermaid from core obsidian and turn it into a separate community plugin, but that’s going to traumatic.

I am going to rename this FR.