Separate items within Dataview tables into individual rows

What I’m trying to do

I am trying to create a dynamic and alphabetised glossary for my university course. I have managed to create the “basic” table with a “Terms” and “Definition” column.

I have figured out how to use FLATTEN to display each “Term” as an individual row as they were being lumped together under the same note - which made for poor readability. However, the “Definition” column has now pulled all the text with “Defintion::” into every single row.

This glossary will be quite large as I get further into my course, so I’d like each term and corresponding definition to be in their individual rows - otherwise this will become an indecipherable wall of text.

Apologies if this isn’t explained clearly and I haven’t used the correct terms. I know very little about coding and have been at this for hours. I’ve looked at video tutorials and topics here, but I’ve hit a (metaphorical) wall.

Things I have tried

This is the codeblock I have created

TABLE WITHOUT ID Term, Definition from #glossary 
WHERE contains(tags,"glossary")
SORT Definition ASC

And this is how it is appearing: