See metadata/properties in preview mode

I am currently update to version 1.4.4 and using the properties plugin. Is there any way I can see the properties with the preview mode?

I was using the script: (but it is not working anymore)

.markdown-preview-view:not(.show-frontmatter) .frontmatter-container {
  display: block;

By default, the Properties view is shown in editing and reading modes.

The setting here, selecting either Visable or Source, will show the Properties in editing mode:

What theme are using using? Perhaps that or some other CSS is causing an issue? :thinking:

Thanks for your help. But this is not allow me to see it on the preview page. is it possible to see the properties when trigger the page preview?

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If you are talking about popup preview, it is not possible to see properties there. Open a feature request.

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