Security obsidian is signaled as malware by : Comodo Valkyrie Verdict

a check on virustotal for the download link of obsidian indicate a malware from Comodo Valkyrie Verdict security scanner

Steps to reproduce

the obsidian downlink :

VirusTotal - URL - c916cda5deb5d21e8cda3aca229d0f70af6ad27ab61c0f306077cd018d37f190

Expected result

Comodo Valkyrie Verdict → clean

Actual result

Comodo Valkyrie Verdict → Malware


- edge
  • Operating system: windows 11
  • Debug info:

Additional information

If there is mechanism in that software, report this as false positive to them.
Not much we can do about it.

thanks signaled to Comodo Valkyrie Verdict.

let’s see their answer.


thanks Bruno