Search Obsidian from Alfred

This is possibly too obvious to share, but I was quite pleased to get it working:

To make a custom search in Alfred for a given vault, just use obsidian://search?vault=VaultNameHere&query={query}, where “VaultNameHere” is the name of the vault you want to search. To be able to hit Cmd-Space and type “o whatever query” and immediately search in Obsidian feels magical.

I’ve also made one to search this forum:{query}, which I search with the keyword “f.o”.


The following Aflred workflow can also be very useful. One can switch vaults, search for Markdown notes, add text to an inbox note, etc.

hauselin/obsidian-alfred: Alfred workflow for Obsidian note-taking app. Open vaults and files in Obsidian.

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Seems to be a bit outdated as of 2024. This one looks much more active: GitHub - chrisgrieser/shimmering-obsidian: Alfred Workflow with dozens of features for controlling your Obsidian vault.