Use case or problem
When I am writing my daily notes, I use the unlinked mentions section in the outgoing links pane to remind me of notes that I may have written but not yet linked. This is one of the most valuable features of Obsidian to me because it reminds me of things I may have forgotten, but already written about. I am constantly looking at that pane as I am writing to reference other notes. My current workflow is that most of my notes “start” in my daily notes and then I refactor them out into their own notes periodically.
This means that I often have tens or hundreds of unlinked mentions in a daily note, especially if I use common words or phrases in my notes. I also write many notes on a iPad with a keyboard.
If that pane “synced” with the cursor while i was writing, it would be much easier for me to keep up with my unlinked mentions. Eg, if my cursor was on the word “Amsterdam” then I would scroll the outgoing links pane to the unlinked Amsterdam note.
Alternatively, subtly changing the color of these types of notes or having a “dashed hyperlink” that allowed you to quickly create a link inline would also be a useful way to solve the same problem, since it informs me of unlinked mentions in context.
Current workaround (optional)
Mostly just manual scrolling in the unlinked mentions pane. I also try and avoid very short named notes and instead use longer names to avoid too many unlinked mentions.