Scoring system for Obsidian Plugins

Hello Obsidian friends! :wave:

When I added categories and tags to plugins, many of you gave valuable feedback about how hard it is to figure out the best plugins to use. Inspired by this, I am happy to introduce a new scoring system for Obsidian plugins.

This system is based on GitHub metrics, plugin activity, and how users interact with the plugins. It helps rank plugins fairly so you can easily find reliable and actively maintained ones.

What Does the Scoring System Consider?

  • User Engagement: How well people adopt and use a plugin.
  • Activity: How actively the plugin is maintained and updated.
  • Popularity: Metrics like downloads, stars, and forks.

Where Can You See the Scores?

Check out the full blog post for details on how this scoring system works. Your feedback helped shape this, and Iā€™m excited to hear more as we improve this together! :rocket:


Interesting project and definitely needed. :+1:t3:

Seems to be an issue with the createdAt metric however.

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Will look into it :slight_smile: