Running code from codeblock inside shell

This is my script for running commands from specific codeblock in .md file.


  • Change HEAD variable to unique string that is one line above codeblock you want to run.
  • Change FILE variable to path of file that contains this codeblock.
  • Execute provided command.


  • Do NOT run commands you don’t understand in your shell.
  • I have tested only things present in my [[#Test File]]


CMD=$(HEAD="## Script 2"; FILE="$HOME/path/to/"; sed -n "/^${HEAD}/,/\`\`\`$/ p" < $FILE | sed "/^\`\`\`/ d;/${HEAD}/ d"); echo; echo "$CMD" ; echo; echo "Do you want to run this command? (Enter) - (^C to abort)" ; read ; eval "$CMD"


  • Running bellow command on [[#Test File]] will print.
CMD=$(HEAD="## Script 2"; FILE="$HOME/path/to/Test"; sed -n "/^${HEAD}/,/\`\`\`$/ p" < $FILE | sed "/^\`\`\`/ d;/${HEAD}/ d"); echo; echo "$CMD" ; echo; echo "Do you want to run this command? (Enter) - (^C to abort)" ; read ; eval "$CMD"


echo "Test 2 Success"
# Check if comments work fine
echo "Test 3 Success"

function test_function1() {
        echo "Test 4 Success"

function test_function2() {
        echo "Test 5 Fail"

sudo ls /root

Do you want to run this command? (Enter) - (^C to abort)
Test 2 Success
Test 3 Success
Test 4 Success
[sudo] password for vicioussquid: 

Test File

## Script 1
echo "Mega Fail"
echo "Test 1 Failed"
## Script 2
echo "Test 2 Success"
# Check if comments work fine
echo "Test 3 Success"

function test_function1() {
	echo "Test 4 Success"

function test_function2() {
	echo "Test 5 Fail"

test_quotes="/tmp/File with spaces.txt"
touch "$test_quotes"
cat "$test_quotes"

sudo ls /root
## Script 3
echo "Mega Fail"
echo "Test 6 Fail"