RTL Support

It works like a charm.
Looking forward for Apply RTL Support in link popup window.

Thank you very much for the plugin. :heart:


That RTL export is awesome. I tried multiple apps, couldn’t figure a easy way for doing it to Markdown.


Since Markdown (and so Obsidian) support HTML tags, a temporary solution to have bi-directional notes is to simply put rtl and ltr blocks between <div dir="rtl"></div> and <div dir="ltr"></div> tags.

<div dir="rtl">
این یک متن نمونه راست به چپ است
<div dir="ltr">
This is a sample left-to-right text

Then you can use the RTL support plugin shortcuts to change the direction in each block to write more conveniently. You can also use the Text Expander plugin to automate pasting div HTML tags


Thanks for the solution. Do you know a workaround for eliminate red dot (character \u200c)، semispace in Persian Language?


I couldn’t find any workarounds. But fixing the problem seems to be a more logical and easier step at this point.

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The problem still exist in Obsidian version 0.11.5.
I’m not a tech savvy.
should I implement some codes?

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Nothing you can do by yourself. Just like the topic I mentioned if you can. Obsidian developers will probably fix it, when they get the change.

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I think matching “TITLE” in RTL/LTR position with body-text would be very nice aesthetically.


I tired to use this plugin ininstall
But not work in ios and ipad os ?
Please guys how can I install this plugin I am Expert Help me please

How to use and install , can you please explain for me how to do it

Sorry, the plugin doesn’t currently support Obsidian Mobile. It uses a different editor (CM6), on which RTL support works differently, and I didn’t yet find the time to make the necessary adjustments :frowning:
Hoping to get to it at some point next month.

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A basic implementation was added in 0.13.10.


Thanks, a step in the right direction, but it’s still backwards from the existing plugin.
We need Auto RTL per sentence/paragraph, or at least per page
also would need to have it on mobile obviously

Looking forward to the next RTL upgrades soon


I hope to update the existing plugin to CM6 in the upcoming days, the basic functionality is very easy but there will probably be various quirks that’ll need addressing. This should also work for mobile!
On the longer term, it seems possible to implement a more comprehensive RTL behavior using the new CM6 extension interface.


Wanted to update here too, that the RTL plugin is now updated to support the new editor.
Of course, backwards compatibility with the legacy editor still exists.


IMO this whole problem needs to be solved with html attributes, and not CSS. There’s no direction: auto in CSS but with html attributes there is.

Is it possibly to simply add the html attribute dir=“auto” to all the paragraph tags etc? In my opinion this is the simplest solution and it takes care of the issue of Auto RTL per paragraph that was mentioned by @jrykner. The HTML attribute dir=“auto” takes care of this whole problem perfectly. I don’t know why it’s not more widely used.

<p dir="auto">This paragraph is in English and goes right to left.</p>
<p dir="auto">هذه الفقرة باللغة العربية ، لذا يجب الانتقال من اليمين إلى اليسار.</p>

Renders perfectly.


It would be nice if they just included dir="auto" automatically in the markdown rendering of all the tags. This would solve all these problems and would automatically render the text in your example.


will you guys keep the rtl support as it is?

my notes are usually in persian and english so it would be really nice to have the rtl support per-line instead of per-file like plugins do or totally defaulting to rtl or ltr like obsidian itself does


I’ve found that in the split-screen mode, the RTL plugin only works in either RTL or LTR mode, meaning that either both documents are shown RTL or LTR. Could you please fix it? Really appreciate all your efforts :slight_smile: