Right-click on a folder and search within it

There have been many requests for the abililty to search within a folder, and the answer is always the same: → you can, just start your query with “path: xxx”.

Yes, you can. And I use that all the time. BUT it is much simpler sometimes to just right-click on a folder and select “search here”. It could still open the same search functionality but maybe it could auto write-in the “path” for us.

There are many scenarios where starting a search with “path” isn’t as easy as people make it out to be. So I’m submitting this as a feature request, and hopefully I will not be told that the feature already exists, because it doesn’t, really. There is a way to search within folders, but not this way, which would be very useful in many circumstances.


Really would enjoy this too!

I know that you can search and use the Path: command to search a particular folder. I would love to be able to quickly search a folder with a right-click command. It would be quicker and easier than trying to drill down to the right folder with the Path: command.


I have a really simple plugin for this if anyone’s interested: search-from-directory It’s probably too small to add it to the Obsidian plugin gallery but maybe enough people are interested.


I don’t think any plugin can be too small if it meets a specific need.


This feature would be especially helpful when we accumulate a lot of notes and when each of our folders is specific to a topic.

This looks like it might be my solution. I have no idea how to install it though, so I’ve commented on the github issues page.

ADD IT! That’s a useful feature that people should have easy access to. There are already small plugins in the directory (for example Prominent Starred Files).

I’d also encourage you to submit to plugin directory. That’s a really useful utility.

(I also +1 this feature request :grinning: )

yes, i need this feature too.

will be added to core in v1.5.3


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