RFC: Oblique Strategies | writing prompts, reflection, creator's block

Nice ones in there, thanks for sharing!

I only wish it would be more easy to switch complete “packs” in Shuffle, but there seems not to be too much activity on @akaaliasobsidian-shuffle GitHub page recently.

Just stumbled upon this excellent idea.

I would like to add that the Dialogue Plugin is a great complement for writing with the Shuffle Plugin.

Thanks Moonbase59 for the german pack. I’am actively using it.

Wish there would be more people contributing to this brillant plugin :slight_smile:

As an addendum, this page is a great starter for inspiration.

This needs to be released on the official community plugins. Really need this!

Here is how I solved this using the Dataview plugin:

Created a page that contains all the cards as a single unordered list, by copying it from here.

Added the following block at the top of the page:

const page = dv.current();
const cards = page.file.lists;
const card = cards[Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length)];
dv.span('>[!tip] a random card' + '\n>**' + card.text + '**')

Whenever I need inspiration, I can visit the page.