Reverse scenario when inserting an internal link to a note

Hello everyone.

I want to implement the following scenario:

  1. First, I fully write out a sentence from start to finish without getting distracted by inserting links or formatting.
  2. Then, I use my mouse to select the necessary text, which will act as the display text for the link. In other words, the text that appears after the vertical bar in a link format like this: [[ |display text]].
  3. I press a hotkey, and an omniserch opens, showing notes that contain the words I selected. However, since in 90% of cases I don’t remember the exact name of the note I need, I also want a search function so I can find and choose the correct note. Once selected, its link should be placed before the vertical bar.
    I believe this approach is more logical because you first complete your thought and write the full sentence, and only then insert the necessary links.

In the current implementation, the process is reversed. I start writing a sentence, but I must remember the exact name of the note I want to link to. Then, I press the hotkey for “add internal links,” choose the note, and after that, I have to shift my focus again to add the display text if the note’s title doesn’t fit the context. This leads to double attention switching: first, from an unfinished sentence to inserting a link, and then back to finishing the sentence.

Maybe there are some settings for the order of adding these two entities, or perhaps a separate plugin?

I have the same issue. It’s really clunky but this is all that I could come up with:

  1. select/cut the text (Command-X)
  2. invoke the link (Command-L / customShortCut)
  3. search for the link and select it
  4. tab (make sure you hit tab not return here)
  5. type |
  6. paste (Command-C)
  7. return

You have to Cut the text otherwise the search won’t work. I would like a new ‘add a link to text’

Let me know if you have a better way.

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It’s not exactly what I wanted, but it’s a workable option.

Maybe someone can write an add-on for this functionality? :smiley: