Requesting tips on how to leave actionable notes for myself

I’m taking notes in a meeting I’m in (Nodes24)… let’s call this Document_A, The presenter said something that I liked… so I leave myself a note:

When digesting quant data, sometimes it’s better to convert the tabular data to markdown? Try for [[data portal]]

This is good because I’m connecting what the presenter said with the the [[data portal]] page… where I’ll see the backlink. But that link will kind of get lost w/ all the other references I have.

How could I indicate that there’s something for me to do in [[data portal]] without leaving Document_A?

[not behind the computer to test/confirm] Check out Backlinks and Outgoing links to see if they help you. You have two icons on the top of the side panel.

Cheers, Marko :nerd_face:

Sorry I’m not sure I understand… like I can see the backlinks:strong text

But as you can imagine, there will be a lot of backlinks over time… how will I know that this was a todo in data portal, not in DocumentA?

Sorry if I’m being thick.

As I said, I am travelling all day, so I can’t test it for sure … but if I understand you … in Document_A, you mention Document_B, …C, …D. If you’re in Document_A and click the “outgoing link” icon, you’ll see a list of mentioned documents. And vice versa - in Document_B, you’ll see that this document was mentioned (through the “backlinks” icon) in Document_A.

And yes, English is not my first language, so maybe I do not understand well or trying to explain :smiley:

Cheers, Marko :nerd_face:

Now I see that those two are plugins, and you need to enable them in Core plugins:

Cheers, Marko :nerd_face:

While taking notes, if there’s something I need to look into later on I’ll add a line like this:

- [ ] Add to [[data portal]] research #todo

I have the Checklist plugin, which puts anything with a #todo tag into a list in my sidebar. All this is configurable, and the Tasks plugin and others can make the process more robust.


I see you’ve chosen a solution already, but I would still like to offer an alternative way which I tend to use every now and then, and that is to defined a field with a follow up question for myself.

So I’d typically write something like:

Useful stuff referenced from what the presenter actually said. [question:: Can I use this in [[data portal]]]. More stuff from the presenter...

If you combine this with this query:

TABLE question
WHERE question

You could get this output:

Where you see the question from above as the last row in the table (I’ve got other question fields in my test vault already… :slight_smile: )

I kind of like this variant since it is clearer to me that the question is an actual question and not a part of the meeting reference itself. And I use similar marking to mark highlights or ideas within the context of other notes.

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that’s a really good solution @holroy ! I have actually abandoned trying to do todo’s in Obsidian… I’m just going to continue using Todoist. From Obsidian, I can copy the URL or URI to the note, and post it in todoist. Not perfect, but pretty fast. So now, from Obsidian, I push CTRL+SHIFT+C (custom shortcut to copy URL of the card), then I do CTRL+SPACE to start todoist task, which I will tag using the correct tags that will make it properly show in the correct project, and then I just paste the reference to the card.