Replicating something from Roam

Vidoe of the issue - Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software

What I’m trying to do

You can achieve this with the core plugin Templates. Here is all the documentation. That said, you can do much more sophisticated things with the Templater plugin which kinda like a roamjs. But for this task you will not needed I think.

Thank you will give that a try.

Here is a video with a step-by-step. Highly recommend this creator.

@robmuise if i understand what ur problem correctly, i think it can be done using obsidian query. but to make it show the “child” of ur [[people meta]] will require a bit of tweak and using a plugin (which right now still not available in community plugin but can be installed via BRAT)

block:([[people meta]])
title: People Meta Query
context: true
hideTitle: false
renderMarkdown: true
  • everything below block:([[people meta]]) will require obsidian-query-control (link below)
  • context: true is to make expand the result to show the child bullets
  • renderMarkdown: true is to make it formatted like reading view

here is example i run for ur reference

alternatively, if u put backlink feature embedded in notes (Settings > Plugin Options > Backlinks > Backlink in document), it will appear like roam’s backlink as well. but since the obsidian dev hasn’t implement render markdown in backlink, it won’t look as pretty as this solution

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