Repeat last command

Use case or problem

when doing a command in palette (Ctrl P) I often need the last command and not have to remember each time what I entered

Proposed solution

having a first line: "last used: the command name" or a command repeat last.

Current workaround (optional)

Related feature requests (optional)


This would be a great addition, Maybe even make it configurable that users can decide how many recent commands they want to see in the cmd-P window. I would love 3 command e.g.

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In the meantime this might help:


I really need a command for executing last action. Even if the scope of execution is just the editor itself

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I did a part of plugin doing it. That’s several tools I will put together…
You can enable other tools or not in the settings. But repeat last command is by default (too important!)

click on My Tools below to follow the link

My tools

I didn’t publish it, but you can install it with brat

The command mode of Quick Switcher++ has this feature.

It’s now working with commands run by shortcuts too