Reorder Files and Folders in Obsidian Publish

Here is one more thing you can try: Reverse alphabetical sort of files in the side menu.

To use my earlier example, Obsidian Publish has this order as the default in the side menu:

  2022-08-28 ABC
  2022-08-29 DEF

But I think for a folder like this, it makes more sense to sort it this way:

  2022-08-29 DEF
  2022-08-28 ABC

So, just to be clear, Blog is a folder in Obsidian and everything below it is a Markdown file.

To reverse sort the side menu in Obsidian Publish, I added this CSS in publish.css:

.tree-item-self[data-path^='wte/Blog'] + .tree-item-children {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column-reverse;