Render todo checkboxes inside tables

I was not sure whether this is a feature or a bug (I guess it could be both).

At the moment Obsidian does not properly render to do’s inside a table, i.e. this:

|	Slot	|	Planned	|	Actual	|	Posture	|	Notes	|
|	----------	|	----------	|	----------	|	----------	|	----------	|
|	`13:30`	|	#PKM-BASB-Autumn-Cohort-11 	|		|	`sitting`	|	catch up on forums<br> [x] look for upcoming mentor sessions	|
|	`13:45`	|	#PKM	|		| `sitting`		|	trial new interstitial diaries	|
|	`14:00`	|	`----------------------`	|		|		|		|
|	`14:15`	|	#SSM-OPS-ActiveCampaign-Launch-Q3-2020 	|		|	`sitting`	|	work on the welcome email	|

shows up as this:

it would be amazing if we could tick / untick todos that are placed inside tables in the same way that we use them elsewhere.


See also: this thread


Thanks @s0ph0s!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Support checkboxes in tables