Render math in links after pipe (or as an alias)

That is a very good workaround for now, I did not know that. Thank you!

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The only downside is that it does not allow intervals.

This works:

> [$g(\tilde{S}_T, \mu_0 \mid \tilde{y}_{T})$](joint_conditional_disribution)

This does not:
[$g(\tilde{S}_T, \mu_0 \mid \tilde{y}_{T})$](joint conditional disribution)


That seems like a separate bug - can you file it?

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Um, sure. I haven’t used aliases and I didn’t know they allow for intervals. Is the expected behaviour to allow for spaces?

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@WhiteNoise knows that specification in detail. I expect this follows the spec precisely for compatibility.

If you want the spaces, you can add them as %20. Following wise words from the forum, I made all my file-names-dash-separated and this is not an issue.

I think I’d like the URL to be fixed in external links so spaces become %20 automatically, but I don’t know how to do this unintrusively.

[$g(\tilde{S}T, \mu_0 \mid \tilde{y}{T})$](joint%20conditional%20disribution)

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Bumping cause I am sorely in need of this feature, too!

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Bumping as well, this would be a lifesaver!

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Bumping because this would definitely make obsidian a goto tool for studying mathematics and sundry(computer science in my case)

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I’d also love this; however, the workaround above with [$NH_3$](ammonia), for example, does not work in live preview mode; you have to go to reading mode to see it (regular math still displays), which appears to be a bug. It would be nice to get that working, then also get the original request.


Would definitely love to see this feature implemented. It is very useful when you’re working on complicated terms that are often referred to using symbols and equations (e.g., SL(2, R)).

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Bumping this again, this feature is soooo needed, it helps with math notes a ridiculous amount.


Also bumping again, many users of obsidian deal in mathsy subjects and this is so vital to maths notes.


I am not sure anymore but I think that at some point they mentioned this might not be possible because of the way latex is rendered.

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Another bump, this feature is sorely missing! The main downside of the [$NH_3$](ammonia) workaround is that it doesn’t automatically update links (to my knowledge)

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Hello! So apparently I’ve been living under a rock and never came across this post, but I made a plugin that provides an alternate solution. Here is a sample page:

The right pane is in reading mode with some links containing math in blue. The left pane contains the same note in editing mode, where the corresponding links are regular [[...]] Wikilinks (Markdown links work too).

How this plugin works is that it assigns, to each note that you want to have links rendered in math, a mathLink. For example, the sample note above has a mathLink, set in its YAML section (see top-left corner) as

mathLink: $\tpl{\Z_n,+}$

This will make every note that have links to this note render the regular [[...]] as its corresponding mathLink.

  • Another example: the note Order of additive group of integers mod n is has a mathLink that will render in the sample note as |Z_n|=n (in proper LaTeX, of course).

This doesn’t exactly fit the requests of this thread, but it provides an alternate solution that mimics the behaviour of []()-type links.

The main advantage of this method over using []()-type links is that changing one mathLink will modify how every link to this note gets rendered, sidestepping the cumbersome process of chaning the alias for each link.

  • You can still use []()-type links as usual; the plugin will ignore those, which allows you to have specific aliases over the general mathLink that gets applied everywhere.

You can read more about this plugin here (the Github page).

I hope this helps!! Any/all feedback is appreciated :slight_smile:

Edit: This plugin also works well with the Extended MathJax plugin, which adds a MathJax preamble for your vault (allowing for macros etc).


Oh, I really have to try it, thanks @Zhaoshen_Zhai!

@BorisBlagov Update: the plugin now implements exactly what you are looking for and renders [[note|$eq$]] correctly. It also works in live-preview mode.

related to: Support Markdown markup in wikilink alias (like standard markdown links)

You gave better instructions here than you did on your documentation site or your github for the plugin. I think you should copy and paste this whole interaction on your github. I’ve had this plugin for a week, and just happened across this post. It has examples with context.

It’s been a while since I have been here, but I want to thank you for that - exactly what I am looking for!