Renaming with long file name can make file explorer un-navigable

Steps to reproduce

When I rename a file with a long file name that exceeds the width of the File Explorer, the File Explorer window moves along with my typing; the left side folders and files are hidden as they move leftwards.

Expected result

I expect the File Explorer window to reset to the default view.

Actual result

When I type enter to finish renaming, the File Explorer remains in the scrolled state. The left edge of folders and files is hidden from view. There is no way in the interface to scroll or cursor back to the left edge. In order to see the File Explorer properly one action I take is to select Search icon, then select the File Explorer icon. This resets the File Explorer window.



  • Operating system:
    10.0.19042, but it has happened forever
  • Obsidian version:

Additional information


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