I have a plugin that registers a custom doce block. The plugin listens for keyboard events when the user mouses over the codeblock using the code below. My problem is that if the user goes to edit the codeblock when the mouse is over the block, the event listener isn’t removed when the user exits the edit and the block is re-rendered; I end up with multiple listeners. As far as I can see, I can’t have the re-rendered listener removed becaus the callback function no longer exists.
I think that what I need is an event that tells me when the codeblock is being edited. There doesn;t seem to be such a thing, though. Any thoughts?
const root = await el.createEl( "div", { text: "TEST" } )
const EventHandler = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
console.log( `Key Pressed: [${event.key}]`, event )
const boundEventHandler = EventHandler.bind( this )
this.registerDomEvent( root, 'mouseover', ( evt: MouseEvent ) => {
console.log( "mousein" )
this.registerDomEvent( document, 'keydown', boundEventHandler )
this.registerDomEvent( root, 'mouseout', ( evt: MouseEvent ) => {
console.log( "mouseout" )
document.removeEventListener("keydown", boundEventHandler );