Use case or problem
Pasting certain text from a browser into properties in live preview creates more paragraphs than what they look like in the browser.
Go to this page and copy a text with paragraphs such as:
Penguins can be found on parts of the coverage.
NOTE: This is mostly useful to exclude coverage in the Arctics.
Copying them from this code block will not have the same effect, please try from the website.
As a reference here is what the html looks like:
<div class="sqs-html-content">
<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Penguins</strong> can be found on parts of the coverage.</p>
<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span class="sqsrte-text-color--custom" style="color: #906E17">NOTE</span></span><span class="sqsrte-text-color--custom" style="color: #906E17">: This is mostly useful to exclude coverage in the Arctics.</span></p>
Pasting this directly into a text property in live preview will create this markdown (notice the double new lines):
description: "\r\rPenguins can be found on parts of the coverage.\r\rNOTE: This is mostly useful to exclude coverage in the Arctics."
A minor issue is that when viewing this in the live preview the property shows no line breaks at all.
The worse issue is that with an inline dataview query it shows two paragraphs where there should only be one:
This dataview query: `$= dv.current().description`
Shows something like this:
> Penguins can be found on parts of the coverage.
> NOTE: This is mostly useful to exclude coverage in the Arctics.
Proposed solution
It would be nice if pasting html text without formatting into property would be possible like it is in the note content with Ctrl+Shift+V. Alternatively the formatting could just work better, for example not adding double new lines here.
Current workaround (optional)
The only alternative I see is first pasting the text into the note content as plaintext and then copy it into the property to remove the paragraphs and add them manually.
Related feature requests (optional)
Similar to: Paste Image into frontmatter property