RemoteCMD App to work in conjunction with obsidian combining written and digital

This isn’t a plugin for obsidian but something I built in the last week in between meetings. I use Pen and paper quite a bit for research, lyric writing and bible study. I was getting increasingly frustrated since moving to obsidian from OneNote that I couldn’t reference my digital notes with my physical notes, other than make a written reference to it which ultimately made it hold no value ( I couldn’t do this in OneNote either). So comes in this app with the most generic name on the planet Remote CMD.

You would run the flask app which creates a server on your designated machine ( in my case the one with obsidian) navigate to the admin console via http://ipaddress/admin give yourself a URL followed by the obsidian command URL (you can put any command line command in here from opening YouTube to formatting a drive or triggering another script)

This will allow you to trigger the command anywhere on your network in my case I have been binding pages and commands to NFC stickers and sticking them in my notes on post it’s to cross reference my physical notes with digital notes and YouTube video references. Don’t know if this is of any use to any one but obsidian changed my way of making notes so I thought I would at least try and give something back

As I mentioned this was written in between meetings over a week so it is still rough around the edges (no authentication protocols) and for what I use it for is complete currently any feedback would be greatly appreciated