Remembering heading and indent collapse in notes

We had discussions in the past about this. The devs would like to have this feature (if possible).


Saving the status of collapse/expand is a must-have IMO. Without I don’t see much of a use-case of the fold arrow feature in the first place because one intuitively assumes the status will be saved.

This is supported in Org-Mode/Emacs e.g.


when I collapse the content and change to another file , then come back to origin file, the collapse content was expand, hope it will stay the same collapse.


come back to edit :


It’d be great if collapse and expand (with memory) worked as well on lists, so I can collapse the sub bullet points like in Roam


I make heavy use of the outlining capability within notes.

As I flesh out an outline, I collapse (fold) sections, to keep just the level of detail I want to be looking at visible.

What’s not working so well with this and needs improvement is, when I navigate away from this note and then return to it, the folded-state that I left it in is gone, and the outline is always completely expanded at every level.

I would like to see the note’s folded state when I left it be retained when I return to it.


Previously requested, albeit combined with the popular fold-in-preview request:


Ah, very good. I did a search before submitting but missed that sentence. Thanks.

+1 to that, I’d also love to see folding work in Preview.


I really need folded-state memory too…


I requested that feature too. I hope obsidian will take the matter seriously.


This sounds close to a P2 UI bug where element state should be respected, even across app restarts.


One of the use cases I can think of is active recall for studying - this would mean SO MUCH and only is a small tweak.


I find folding of bullets very useful for keeping my daily notes easily readable, but I frequently leave my daily note to view something else and then return to take a note. When I return, the folding has been reset.

Persisting fold information (and perhaps any other formatting Obsidian applies to markdown files) would be very useful.


There’s already a feature request for that Note Outline's folded-state memory

But I agree, it would be very helpful.


If I fold a title then re-open the file again, by default it is unfolded. maybe it will be a good feature if the file knows which title was folded before because for some file I just want to see the main title, not the whole thing.

– Me too. A genuine outline mode could be a very popular feature? Thanks.


Dynalist is a role model to follow in this matter.


I don’t understand. Is the outline mode an alternative for the current text editor for notes?

Or do you propose we can switch a particular note between outline mode and ‘note taking mode’?

Short answer: I don’t see them as alternative either/or modes of a note, but rather as different note (information) structuring techniques that should be able to be freely intermixed in a single note.

Three use cases to help illustrate:

  1. During development/iteration of a note: Very often, the earliest written form for me is an outline structure with simple bullet-point sentence fragments, to quickly capture the essential parts and some basic relationships, and then as I iterate on it, over time, parts progressively may get fleshed out into complete paragraphs, headings, etc.
  2. Final representation of a note: The ‘final’ form of a stable note may very likely still have some parts that are best presented as a true outline with outlining features. For example, the various meta-notes that are discussed elsewhere on this forum like TOCs, MOCs, and the like.
  3. Edit vs Preview: It is super useful when editing a longer note to have it structured in an outline fashion, with folding, hoisting (focusing), node annotations, hotkeys that move children with parents, etc, even if the final reader rendering is not going to have all this (e.g., for a PDF publication).

I should add: when thinking of outline mode, it is tempting to think purely of each node containing just short sentence fragments, like a list (which is certainly a legit and common use case), but this is limiting; each node may be a full paragraph itself.


I’d also like to see this feature, but I guess the problem is where to store the folding-state information, as being folded or not is not part of the .md content. But aren’t there other plain text editors which achieve that?


It could be stored in the cache file or in another JSON-file inside the .obsidian folder. Other similar information could be stored there, too, e.g. whether the file is in view or edit mode, to support per-file view mode (I have created a separate feature request for this).

Alternatively, it could be stored in a metadata section inside the .md file. I think various ideas for storing metadata at the top or bottom of the .md file are already under discussion.