Relative links for external files

Since I have come to know Obsidian, I have started to manage my file system through linked notes. Works like a charm.
In combination with the “Reveal file in finder” and “Reveal file in navigation” commands, I use file-type links to link to external files/folders from my notes (mostly subfolders).
Whole new experience of managing files.

There is one feature I am really, really missing:

Suppose you have an external link such as:

[CBC Raw Material](file:///Users/heiko/Documents/Projects/CBC/RawMaterial/)

(/Users/heiko/Documents/Projects/CBC is the directory containing the note)

Works fine as long as I do not move/rename the directory that contains the note (which I do when I regularly refactor my structure).
So I would like to have something like

[CBC Raw Material](file://[%NoteDir]/RawMaterial/)

There has been a request for this feature some time ago:

Unfortunately, this has been closed.
This shouldn’t be hard to implement, should it?

Seems to be similar: