Regularly incorporate the next most popular community plugins

Use case or problem

The community has been very proactive in meeting the needs of Obsidian users with the community plugins. However, because community plugins are not as rigorously tested and certified by Obsidian to be functional and secure, many users constrain themselves to just the core plugins.

Proposed solution

The Obsidian development team would regularly pull the most popular community plugins into their own backlog, to reimplement as core plugins.

Current workaround (optional)

For users who cannot or will not use community plugins, there’s really no workaround apart from submitting a feature request in this forum.

Related feature requests (optional)

What you are requesting is how they operate. Some plugins that had started out as external have made it into internal plugins (stacked tabs, for instance) and even some third party developers have been taken on board by Obsidian as subsidiaries to work on projects.

In the meantime it’s up to the user to take responsibility to be a maintainer of a vault that is run on both internal and external plugins, which latter grow in number and the Obsidian team needs to review those anyway, not to mention other staff to review feature requests. It’s like this.

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This has a lot of overlap with the discussion in this thread. Security of the plugins - #115 by obsequious

I’d suggest reading through that thread to understand why this is likely not a feasible feature request. In that thread there are a lot of people coming up with different ways of asking the developers to take on the responsibility of the community plugin security. And the short answer is that isn’t going to happen.

Plus the developers have their own priorities and roadmap. This is also basically asking the developers to have less control over their priorities.

So all that said, I’m going to close this for now. I recommend reading the security thread, and if you have any additional points that weren’t already discussed, please add them there instead. Thanks!

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