Hello! I’m banging my head against a regex problem. Please help!
I have the contents of a markdown file. I want to, with regex, get the contents of a specific section without including the heading. I also want it to be possible that the heading is the last one in the file.
So with either:
# want
actual text that I want
# heading to skip
some irrelevant text
# heading to skip
first heading text
# want
actual text that I want
after some trial and error it seems that my difficulty was in understanding the difference between greedy and lazy. Carry on!
In case anyone needs this later, it’s something like:
// text is the contents of the note
text += "\n# dummy" // couldn't work out how to extract a section if it was the last section, so this hack adds a dummy section
let arr = text.match(/(?<=\n# draft)[\w\W]*?(?=\n# )/g) || [""]
return arr[0] // return the match
Be advised that there is metadata cache which holds information on which lines are used for section headings, which potentially could simplify your efforts.