Red Banner Tag - Top of Left Hand Corner of Notes

What I’m trying to do

Hi. I suspect this is very much a ‘newbie’ question. I’ve been using OB for a while now. Recently, when creating new notes, I’m getting a red triangular banner flag showing at the top lefthand corner of notes when I create them. Researching online, I think this may be a warning related to Sync. But I have the Core Sync plugin disabled and I’m using OneDrive to sync my vault folder between two devices and this seems to be working ok. Is this flag a warning I need to be concerned about? Should I be doing anything to remove the flag? Many thanks in anticipation of your guidance.

Things I have tried

I’ve tried enabling and disabling the Sync plugin. I do have a Sync subscription but I’m not actively using it and this vault has never been set up for sync.

This looks like it’s something coming from a community theme (or a css snippet). Nothing to do with the core Sync plugin.

I’ve never seen it before.

I’d look for any theme additions to # h1 headings or ## h2 headings, etc.

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Many thanks for your response. Understood.