Recursive tag filtering

What I’m trying to do

I would like to be able to do a recursive filtering my tags.

Starting from a vault, selecting a tag would do two things

  1. show the files with that tag (which is a standard functionality)
  2. filter the list of tags to only show the “active” tags, i.e. those tags associated with the selected files only

This would provide an easy way to drill down to the files I need using the tag system.

Things I have tried

I have seen a discussion this forum with the title “Progressive Tag Filtering” but that stops somewhere in 2021.

Does this mean this feature request died a silent death? Is there a way, a plugin to achieve what I want to do?


I am not completely sure what you mean by that.

Does this come close to what you want to achieve?

Not really…I will try to explain better with an example:

I have the following files:

File1: tagA tagB tagC tag1
File2: tagA tagB tagC
File3: tagA tag2 tag3
File4: tagD tag4

At the start, the tag cloud will be tagA, tagB, tagC, tagD, tag1, tag3, tag4

Searching for tagA would give

  • files: File1, File2, File3
  • updated tag cloud: tagA, tagB, tagC, tag1, tag2, tag3

Expanding the search with tagB would give

  • files: File1, File2
  • updated tag cloud: tagA tagB, tagC, tag1

The key is that the tag cloud gets updated and only shows the tags associated with the current search results. This is especially nice when drilling down into a large set of tags.


OK, I got it - it would be the same behavior as can be found in zotero, for example.

There is no “silent death” of feature requests, I think. You can vote for it by giving it a like. Yet, there are hundreds of feature requests meanwhile; those with lots of support may be realized more probably at some point - though, from my experience, the developers only seldomly give feedback when - or if - concrete features might be implemented. There is an official obsidian roadmap, but it is often incomplete.

The only workaround I can think of at the moment would be to approach this behavior with a dataview query. This is certainly not exactly what you want, but with a corresponding query you would at least be able to get an approximate overview of the tags that are attached to files with a certain relationship to your active file. I don’t know if you have any dataview experience - if you are interested, I might try to fiddle with an appropriate query later…

Thanks for making the effort and responding. With ‘silent death’ I meant nothing more that that the thread had stopped. I could not work out whether the feature had been implemented or not; or whether meanwhile a plugin had become available providing this feature.

I am pretty new to Obsidian and I have no dataview experience whatsoever. I will have a look at it but from your description it might not be the thing that wins me over to Obsidian.


I’ve got some dataview experience, and here is a rough sketch of something which might help you do this kind of search.

tagFilter:: #f53315 

TABLE file.etags, matching, all(matching)
  map(choice(this.tagFilter = "array", this.tagFilter, list(this.tagFilter)),
      (t) => econtains(file.tags, t)) as matching
WHERE length(this.tagFilter) = 0 or all(matching)

If I have this in a file, and run it just like it stands in live-preview, I’ll get this output:

So now I can see that I do have some “interesting” files related to #topic/eveningroutine, so I can add those to tagFilter, and get:

And if I wanted to I could continue adding other tags, but I don’t have any example files with that many other tags… :smiley:

Some caveats with this approach:

  • You either need to use live-preview, or keep switching between reading and edit mode
  • If you add something partial to the tagFilter, and stop writing it’ll try to match that, and you might end up with an empty list until you complete the tag

As listed above the query requires nested tags to match completely, but you could alter that by changing to file.tags within the econtains() line. It also requires all tags to be matched. If you want a wider filter, you could change to any(matching) and get all files matching any of the tags listed in the tagFilter.

It could be possible to have this in all reading mode utilising another plugin like meta bind, but I’ve not done that here. Then that plugin would provide an input field where you could enter the tags, and store it in the frontmatter, before the query would pick up on the changes.

Does this get you any closer to what you wanted out of this?

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If the feature request isn’t closed, it’s not dead. Posting in an old thread will bring it back to the top of the section list — but only post if you have something to contribute, don’t “bump” threads. You can press the heart to upvote.

Threads for implemented features (and sometimes rejected ones) normally get moved to the Feature Archive section, usually with a comment saying it’s been implemented (or rejected). Sometimes a comment is posted saying the feature will be implemented in an upcoming version.

Yes, this recreates the functionality that I am after.

The user interface is not so polished, unfortunately. It makes adequate for incidental use and I was hoping for more.

To sketch the background, I am currently using an application called KeepIt which has this feature nicely implemented. It is the tool I want to replace with Obsidian to be less dependent on third parties for my notes system.


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I liked the orginal Feature Request but with only 25 likes, I won’t be holding my breath ;-).


I just posted a Templater thingy to keep selecting tags:

So now one possible question would be how to connect code like that into a query like the one above?! Sadly, I’m not sure how to do that, or if it would be better to use a plugin like the meta bind plugin for the multi-select, and then connect that together somehow with the query and maybe a refresh button/command which would update the tags to be selected from and the matching notes related to those tags.

In short, I do see the need for a better user interface to such a query, but I think it’s doable somehow using a combination of plugins.

I am giving myself a crash course Dataviewer plugin. It is impressive.

Indeed, it looks like the building blocks for my desired functionality are there.


If you make any ground on this, I would love to know. This is a feature that I really want. I used it all the time in Evernote (thought it only lasted for about a year.) It’s the most useful implementation of tags I’ve ever seen as it makes finding things incredibly fast and intuitive. Show me #books. Now of this show me #unread. Now, do I have any unread books that I own on Audible already? Yup here are seven tagged #Audible. I honestly don’t understand why all apps don’t implement this behavior with their tags. I love Obsidian but I’m looking at other apps right now to find this feature. It’s in my top five of features I must have. So, If someone has a decent dataview hack for this it would be appreciated. A native feature would be best but I’ll take what I can get.

replying to my own comment :joy:

I just tried the dataview query suggested in this thread. It works! It’s not ideal but it works.

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Hey there. I’ve been an Obsidian user since the early days and have been hoping someone would come up with a way to filter tags like this for such a long time. The approach I use involves highlighting quotes on my Kindle, adding a few tags to the end of each highlight, and then importing them all into Obsidian. This means I have a lot of tags on a given ‘highlight note’ (eg. for an article or book), since essentially every quote I’ve captured has its own tags.

I just tried your dataview code and it indeed works well to filter tags across files. I’m wondering if there’s a way to tweak the code to filter by lines instead of files? I hope this makes sense and I won’t hold my breath because I’ve been asking for this for literally years at this point to no avail. Thanks anyway for your time with this dataview code - it’s so close to being the implementation that would revolutionise my workflow.
