One problem is the file creation date does not necessarily equal to the note creation date.
Bear stores it in a SQLite database, instead of using the file modification date.
I’d suggest storing the date in the YAML front matter, similar to that in Jekyll.
created as YAML has pro’s and con’s.
Pro: When importing a note created from elsewhere, one could easily maintain the original creation date.
Con: created could accidentally be changed or lost. This wouldn’t be a catastrophic error for the app, since the app could always default to the file’s creation date for created; but, it could be an issue for a user who wants to somehow protect created value.
Are there write-protected YAML, which could be altered only after a warning/alert? I imagine not.
I am slowly moving over from Evernote to Obsidian. Contextual metadata is important to me so: Created, Modified viewable, searchable, etc is useful. Seems like this should be possible via a plugin.
Additional would be device created, and location data.
Create and modify date should live in the YAML frontmatter as the OS provided values are very unreliable.
Moving a file or restoring from a backup could change the create and modify date, where as a text in the note would require a user or a plugin to actively change it.
there isn’t an official/quasi-official way to manage dates by frontmatter, right?
also calender plugin uses
i’m currently adding date to every post/note… hoping some day there’ll be an official fieldname and format
I was just searching for the same thing. I haven’t yet tried this out myself, but I’ll be taking a look at obsidian-linter/ at master · platers/obsidian-linter · GitHub, which inserts both creation and modification dates into the frontmatter, in addition to other features.