Recipe conversion?

A while back, I downloaded everything from my previous recipe software and moved it into Obsidian. Among other things, I’ve been using properties/meta data (it was originally meta data, but I think it converted to properties with the relevant update, which has complicated things a bit) to make recipes searchable.

Problem is, especially with ingredients lists, this makes it a major pain to add new recipes, because of the formatting necessary to break up each line into the measurement, units, etc.

But there are browser plugins that convert formatted recipes into the right formatting for various recipe softwares, so it seems like it should be possible to make a plugin or something that would expedite this process. Does such a thing already exist?

If not, any suggestions about where to start, or what I would ask for if I hire someone to program it?

Bonus points if I can copy/paste an existing recipe and have it format that, because I literally have thousands of these to edit.

I might be able to help. I can create a workflow for you to follow from. You’ll be able to achieve this task in no time. Few questions before you can get started :

  • need the properties format for the thousands of recipes you have. will need an example to work with.
  • desired output file format? something like this work ? or you talking more inside properties?

Here’s an example of one that’s already formatted. Possibly not the best example, since it’s just lemonade, so a lot of the “fields” are blank, but it gives you an idea of the format.

It’s not too bad just copying-and-pasting most of it (although it’s more steps than I needed to import something to my recipe software from a blog post), but that ingredient list in the meta is a real headache, especially when a recipe contains a lot of ingredients. I’d like to be able to copy a basic ingredient list like what’s in the main body of the note (with or without bullets) and paste it into something that will add the formatting for the meta data.

Next time use ``` *markdown here* ``` . when sharing your file easier to work with on my side.

I’ve designed a workflow which utilize LLM to achieve your task. This workflows can do much more than just this. You’ll only need to think outside the b8x.


So I’d recommended using : Mesh AI

How do setup

  • once installed [from Community Plugins]


You’ll have to get yourself a API key from any provider [Open AI, Groq , Openrouter]

I choose Groq [they spell it Grocq inside Menu? idk why?]

  • because i can access their API for free, just make an account and use any of the llama-3.2 models [the -90b version is better than gpt-4o]

You can also just use LOCAL LLMs! hehe. By using either Ollama or LMStudio and just hooking up the localhost port it provides.


I change Mesh AI folder structure. I like keeping all setup/ressources for all plugins inside one main folder for the whole vault :

Dont forget to change the default LLM provider to : grocq [groq]


  • You now ready. and can do sooo much more…

So this is how the interface looks like

You can either use the input type

  • NOTE [enter inside note you want to use]


  • but can easily reproduce yourself. Just use Open AI GPT Builder and explain your problem and it will create a prompt instruction you can copy/paste instructions anywhere else or any other LLM out there.

  • add this file inside your CUSTOM PROMPTS folder and it will show up inside the possible patterns to select from : custom_recipeFormatter.v01

When using it will create a new file inside /OUTPUTS folder

  • found that the properties didnt render properly need to cut it, and open up Source Mode and create a property component than can re-paste in there
  • u might be able to change prompt to do it properly but proceed at your own risk . I was too lazy to bother

Best of luck. This should simplify your workflow. Enjoy!
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Thank you!