I use Obsidian for University purposes for about 2 weeks and sometimes its driving me a bi crazy… maybe you can help - I would be very thankful. I use the minimal theme and I am trying the following (please bear in mind, that i might use the wrong terms - sorry for that - english isnt my first language):
Hitting enter twice after a paragraph gives me a visual space between the paragraph in preview mode
I already searched the forum and found a few css snippets, but for some reason they dont work for me. I am able to turn them on in the settings but they dont seem to work.
Unfortunately, I have no idea of css et cetera and I am quite lost…
thanks for the speedy reply! Tried the options you mentioned, unfortunately doesnt solve my problem.
I tried to work with .css but it doesnt appear to do anything. Am I doing it wrong?
Thats my css snippet and I have to option to turn it on in the settings, but it changes nothing?
You can force a line break by using a <br> between the bullets where you want one, but I don’t think this will be your desired outcome for live preview mode.
Using this snippet to control the <br> size in reading view: