The standard 4-space indentation syntax for multi-list paragraphs in Obsidian MD appears to be broken, so is incompatible with any notes written in standard Markdown.
Note: This issue is unrelated to several previous posts about multi-paragraph list items.
These posts were about live-preview mode and general confusion around multi-paragraph lists.
Steps to reproduce
I recommend using a mono-space font in source-editor mode to help locate and input the correct number of blank-spaces.
Use the following Obsidian MD source code, character-for-character including spaces, which are substituted here by ␣
— so make sure to replace these after copy-pasting:
Here is a list with nested paragraphs:
- The first item.
␣␣␣␣A nested paragraph.
- The second item.
Expected result
When rendered, the first list item contains two separate paragraphs, with a paragraph break and matching indentation — ironically, the above syntax works perfectly well here in the Obsidian forum, as you would expect from most Markdown renderers:
Here is a list with correct nested paragraphs:
The first item.
A correct nested paragraph.
The second item.
Actual result
Obsidian just ignores the nested paragraph break — I haven’t provide screenshots, because it was trivial to visually recreate the issue here:
Here is a list with broken nested paragraphs:
- The first item. A broken nested paragraph.
- The second item.
See Details Below
Note: I reproduced this bug in the sandbox, as required.
Obsidian version: v1.7.7
Installer version: v1.7.7
Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 24.1.0: Thu Oct 10 21:02:27 PDT 2024; root:xnu-11215.41.3~2/RELEASE_X86_64 24.1.0
Login status: not logged in
Language: en
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: off
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on
Additional information
There are a few ways to produce the correct output in Obsidian MD, shown below.
However, none of these are the “canonical” syntax; the 4-space indentation above is the standard syntax, yet the only one that is broken in Obsidian — it is widely supported so is a critical compatibility issue.
I realise that I have the following “workarounds”, however I have 100s of existing Markdown notes in Obsidian that use the standard list paragraph syntax, and I am not prepared to reformat all them to use less widely-compatible syntax — and I definitely won’t be using <br><br>
, as we all know this is not semantically equivalent to an actual <p>
See Examples Below
First, is with double-space ␣␣
Here is a list with correct nested paragraphs:
- The first item.
␣␣A correctly nested paragraph.
- The second item.
Alternatively, zero-indentation on the blank lines but 2–4 spaces of indentation before the paragraph text:
Here is a list with correct nested paragraphs:
- The first item.
␣␣A correctly nested paragraph.
- The second item.
Here is a list with correct nested paragraphs:
- The first item.
␣␣␣␣A correctly nested paragraph.
- The second item.